2018 San Diego Comic-Con #SDCC2018 News, Livestreaming, Video, and Satellite Radio Links
#SDCC2018 encompasses comics and graphic novels, TV, film, videogames, and all of the merchandising around it, from t-shirts to Funko dolls to TARDIS dresses…
San Diego Comic-Con 2018 #SDCC2018 https://twitter.com/Comic_Con
Comic-Con International: San Diego — https://www.comic-con.org
About Comic-Con International: San Diego
Comics Conventions Twitter List
Comics. Comic conventions. Comic writers. Comic artists. Stores. Publishers.
Comics and Conventions TweetedTimes E-Newsletter
SPECIAL San Diego Comic-Con #SDCC2018 multi-hashtag widget/search at http://ow.ly/499o30l2cdB
WATCH #SDCC2018 livestreaming video at:
http://marvel.com/sdcc2018 shortcut to https://www.marvel.com/sdcc-san-diego-comic-con-2018
IGN LIVE — Watch Comic Con 2018 LIVE! at https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLraFbwCoisJCZdSy4PnPnqK3-SL5wd_6O
Warner Bros. TV: https://www.facebook.com/warnerbrostv
LISTEN to Entertainment Weekly Radio Channel 105 on SiriusXM(subscription required OR get a free trial) to its six-day #SDCC2018 coverage, 7/19–7/24/2018
Television https://twitter.com/valsadie/lists/television
TV. TV shows. TV News. TV Critics. Actors. Writers. TV.
* Television Shows and News http://tweetedtimes.com/v/10478
See the Comics Convention and Television Twitter Lists update in real time at http://www.valsadie.com/valsadie/television-and-comics/
Other Twitter Lists and TweetedTimes E-Newsletters of mine of interest:
Videogames https://twitter.com/valsadie/lists/videogames
Videogame makers and media
* Videogames http://tweetedtimes.com/v/13322
VRSLAR https://twitter.com/librariesval/lists/vrslar
Virtual Worlds VR SL AR
* #VirtualReality #SecondLife #AugmentedReality Virtual Worlds
Awards Media https://twitter.com/valsadie/lists/awards-media
Awards shows. Folks Who Write About Them. No big whoop.
* Entertainment Awards and Media http://tweetedtimes.com/v/10474
Movies Festivals https://twitter.com/valsadie/lists/movies-festivals
Movies. Movie Studios. Film Festivals. No big whoop!
* Movies and Festivals http://tweetedtimes.com/v/10475
Media TODAY https://twitter.com/valsadie/lists/media-today
LIVE streamed interviews and other news/music pieces, usually in-tweet
* Media TODAY — Live interview streams and programs http://tweetedtimes.com/v/11939