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Number of Libraries in the United States as of June 2022
An 10th Update to ALA Library Fact Sheet 1
See the Ninth and Eighth Updates, Seventh Update, Sixth Update, Fifth Update, the Fourth Update, the Third Update, the Second Update, and the First Update.
As of June 2022, using the previously announced PLS FY2019 numbers, updated NCES academic library numbers, and the new American Library Directory 2022–2023 numbers released in June 2022, there are an estimated 123,627 libraries of all kinds in the United States today!
The help desk at the BYU Family History Library on level 2 of the Harold B. Lee Library on Brigham Young University’s campus (October 15 2020) by Joe Everett, CC BY-SA 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons
No single annual survey provides statistics on all types of libraries. Figures for public, academic, and school libraries come from surveys by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) and the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS), while the figures for the other libraries come from Information Today’s American Library Directory.
In a press release dated May 25, 2021, IMLS announced the release of FY 2019 data, IMLS Releases 2019 Data on American Public Libraries, pointing to a page with a PDF summary…